Roald Dahl School Workshop Opportunities!

Here are the details of the workshops for secondary schools, again, please do get in touch if you would be interested in getting involved:

Summer Term participation opportunity for KS3

Free digital art / science workshop with literacy links delivered by professional artists 

City of the Unexpected
 17 & 18 September 2016

Imagine a city transformed and seen through the eyes of Roald Dahl. 

Inspired by Dahl’s magical, transformative imagination, for 48 hours Cardiff will become a place where reality will cease to behave as one would expect, and where the laws of physics, logic and the predictable will give way to the laws of the imagination and the unexpected.

Dahl’s imagination has touched generations; part of growing up, part of bed times, childhoods, relationships and development of imaginations.  It is thus fitting that the weekend celebration of his birth in Cardiff, will involve one of the most ambitious mobilisations of the inhabitants of a city ever attempted, together transforming it into a place that will unlock the child in everyone and create a city of wonder and surprise. 

Featuring extraordinary designs and a cast of over 10,000 people led by a creative team from around the world, City of the Unexpected will include large scale staged set pieces as well as flash mobs and the cast hidden across the city, waiting to intervene on reality in the most unexpected of ways.

It will take place in Cardiff’s Streets and public spaces, shops and arcades, iconic buildings, public institutions and parks and everyone can be part of this extraordinary weekend.

eParrots - Matilda

In Matilda, one of her most successful tricks is when she borrows a friend’s talkative parrot and stuffs it up her chimney so that she convinces her family that they have a ghost. 


For City Of The Unexpected we will be hiding eParrots on lampposts around the city centre. They will call out at passers by, in a parrot voice, and record the reactions of the public on an on board camera. Like Harry Hill meets 1984 in the mind of Mr Dahl.  In fact they will be motion activated digital insult generators, which will present an opportunity to engage with your pupils as scientists, as readers, as performers and as teenagers.


How does this work ?

Read in Chapter 4 The Ghost with your students. Compile a suitable list of acceptable things to shout at passers by.

We will then send you an artist to deliver a half-day eParrot making workshop in your school. All materials will be provided. The workshop is FREE.  Artsits will have DBS checks.

If your pupils can't make it to City Of The Unexpected, they will still be able to watch the footage of passers by as recorded by their eParrot, wherever they are.


There are a limited number of workshops available - and will be on a first come first served basis.

If your school wishes to book an eparrot workshop, please contact or


Cyfle i Gyfnod Allweddol 3 gymryd rhan yn ystod Tymor yr Haf 

Gweithdy celf ddigidol / gwyddoniaeth gyda chysylltiadau llythrennedd

wedi’i gynnal gan artistiaid proffesiynol


City of the Unexpected
17 a 18 Medi 2016

Dychmygwch ddinas wedi’i thrawsnewid gan weledigaeth Roald Dahl. 

Gan gymryd ysbrydoliaeth o ddychymyg hudolus, trawsnewidiol Roald Dahl, bydd ein cysylltiad â realiti’n cael ei throi wyneb ei waered am benwythnos yng Nghaerdydd, gyda deddfau ffiseg, rhesymeg a’r rhagweladwy’n cael eu disodli gan ddeddfau’r dychymyg a’r annisgwyl.

Mae dychymyg Dahl wedi ysbrydoli cenedlaethau; mae’n rhan o’n magwraeth, o’n hamseroedd gwely, ein plentyndod, ein perthnasau a datblygiad ein dychymyg. Mae’n addas felly bod y dathliad yma yn cynnwys un o’r ysgogiadau mwyaf uchelgeisiol o breswylwyr dinas erioed, gan weithio gyda’n gilydd i drawsffurfio’r ddinas yn lle bydd yn datgelu’r plentyn ym mhob un ohonom a chreu dinas llawn rhyfeddod a sypreis. 

Gyda dylunio rhagorol a chast o dros 10,000 o bobl wedi’u harwain gan dîm creadigol o bedwar ban y byd, bydd City of the Unexpected yn cynnwys darnau wedi’u llwyfannu ar raddfa fawr ynghyd â flachdyrf a chast wedi’u cuddio ym mhob twll a chornel o’r ddinas, yn aros i darfu ar y cyhoedd mewn ffyrdd hynod o annisgwyl.

Bydd City of the Unexpected yn meddiannu strydoedd ac ardaloedd cyhoeddus Caerdydd, siopau ac arcêds, adeiladau eiconig, sefydliadau cyhoeddus a pharciau, er mwyn sicrhau bod pawb yn gallu bod yn rhan o’r penwythnos anhygoel yma.

 eBarotiaid - Matilda

Un o driciau mwyaf cyfrwys Matilda yw benthyg parot siaradus sy’n eiddo i ffrind a’i gosod i fyny simnai er mwyn darbwyllo’i theulu fod ysbryd yn y tŷ. 

Ar gyfer City Of The Unexpected byddwn yn cuddio eBarotiaid ar bolion lampau yng nghanol y ddinas. Bydd yr eBarotiaid yn galw ar aelodau’r cyhoedd mewn llais parot ac yn recordio ymatebion y cyhoedd ar gamera. Yn debyg i groes rhwng Harry Hill â 1984 drwy ddychymyg Mr Dahl.  Mewn gwirionedd, bydd y parotiaid yn sarhawyr digidol sy’n ymateb i symudiadau, gan adael i chi ymwneud â’ch disgyblion fel gwyddonwyr, darllenwyr, perfformwyr ac arddegwyr.


Y Cynllun

Darllenwch Bennod 4 Yr Ysbryd gyda’ch disgyblion. Gwnewch restr o bethau derbyniol i weiddi ar bobl sy’n mynd heibio.

Byddwn wedyn yn anfon artist i gynnal gweithdy hanner diwrnod creu eBarot yn eich ysgol. Bydd deunyddiau’n cael eu darparu i chi. Mae’r gweithdy am ddim, a’r artistiaid wedi’u craffu gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.

Os nad yw eich disgyblion medru mynychu City Of The Unexpected, bydd modd iddyn nhw wylio’r recordiad o bobl yn cerdded heibio’i eBarot, ble bynnag ydyn nhw.

Mae nifer cyfyngedig o weithdai ar gael - ac yn cael eu detholi ar sail cyntaf i’r felin.

Os yw eich ysgol yn bwriadu archebu gweithdy eBarot, cysylltwch â

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