Camping dangers and how to avoid them

Hello, my name is Robert and I work as a freelancer writer at essay writing service, which allows me to travel a lot. Pretty often I go camping, in this post, I prepared for you some information about camping dangers and how to avoid them.

As we know, almost in all European countries, there are a lot of strict rules concerning camping. And you even can think that there is no way to camp in the forest or near the lake. I think, that it is right that government tries to protect the nature. When people interfere in nature’s life, they usually bring a lot of damage.

It is a common situation if Europeans will call to the local authorities because they will think that their or your life is in danger. Examples of such situations can be different, even a little bit silly sometimes.

To my mind, it is possible to spend some time in tents in the severest European countries. But we have to follow some rules or better to say conditions. That will give us a chance to be together with nature. And at the same time, we will not disturb the owners.

  1. Better not choose places near water. First, it is not so easy to find them. Second, you will occupy a lot of tent places. And the third, it can be damp at night, be very attentive.
  2. Sometimes you will have a situation in which you need to sleep in the worst place. For example, it can be the airport, which is full of people. In such situations, you can’t sleep at all. To my mind, in this case, better to sleep in a sleeping bag. Don’t put the tent, especially if the weather is good.
  3. Be careful while putting a tent. It can be the private territory. Usually, it is marked. However, you can conclude an agreement with an owner. If he will let you camp there, you can make it. Or you can explore the area and find some good place not so far.
  4. Making a fire is the first thing that very strictly prohibited by law. If somebody will see that you making a fire, you will easily get a fine. Every year there are a lot of burns of forests in Europe. You need to have a special equipment for cooking. If you don’t have enough money for it, you must be very careful. First of all, you need to make a hole in the ground, surround it with stones and then make a fire. After that, you have to bury it.

If you found this post useful, I advise you also read these two: Camping and What do we mean by Camping?

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