Hello! If you're new to this social network site, please introduce yourself to our community.

Who are you? Why are you here? What do you do? How are you already involved in theatre - as a fan/participant/performer/artist? What do you want from National Theatre Wales? How do you want to become more involved with us and what we do?

PLEASE - Be honest and don't feel that you have to impress anyone.

As for me, I'm Catherine and I'm a Creative Associate with National Theatre Wales. I am Cardiff born and Cardiff bred... and very proud of it. I am a theatre director and have directed plays and lead projects with professional performers, new writers and young artists in lots of exciting places.

I want National Theatre Wales to put Welsh talent in Welsh productions on an international stage, speaking with and for Welsh artists and Welsh audiences. This social network will be the first place for this to happen as it is a space where National Theatre Wales can have an open dialogue with its core members - you, our community.

I hope you will use this social network to influence our work, to tell us how you want to get involved, what work we should be making, where you want us to go, where we are doing well and where we can do better.

Together we can build a community of people who talk to each other to make National Theatre Wales the best it can be - a truly National Theatre owned by the community it works with and for.

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Really good luck with your studies and training Sean! Welcome to NTW Community - hopefully it will provide great links back to Wales whilst you are studying in London Cx
I joined the community to make contacts in welsh theatre, film and television. I trained as an actor in scotland but I am originally from North Wales, looking for any help and advice please.

Please feel free to have a look at my website, I am always looking for feedback on my showreel/voicereel.

Welcome to the community Amie! Hope you find it a fun and useful place Cx
Hi Catherine, already I feel ancient seeing all the young faces contributing and signing on to this site and cite my cyber illiteracy (age-related) for replying to a May posting in July. Born and raised in Llanelli (spelled Llanelly, then) I left the land of twitching curtains at seventeen and headed for The Smoke. I studied acting at Mountview and got my first job in weekly rep! I've played theatres all over the UK and been cast twice in Under Milk Wood. I have since moved to Malta where I'm resident now and where I've worked extensively. There is a constant influx of film companies using the unique tanks here or just the sun and scenery and I have had parts in several movies over the years - eg. Blackbeard and most recently Agora. I do a lot of stage work and run my own company, Threefivesix, which has recently mounted my own play The Bell Tower - which Samuel French will publish if it gets a UK tour! There is a move afoot here to establish a Malta National Theatre, I'm not directly connected - I live on the sister island, Gozo - but I am earmarked for a performance under this new heading. Perhaps this is the beginning of an international relationship, one of the leaders of the move also used to live in Llanelli. Surely something will come of the connection. I started off, just a few days ago, to show an interest in The Dark Philosophers, now the scope seems wider.
Hi everyone, my name is Christina Verallo, I'm 20 and from Cardiff.
I've been acting for 7 years now, I have also written and directed a play.
I took a year out to spend time with my father while he was ill but I am now looking to take the next step in my career and I'm also hoping to make new friends and new connections.

Hope to get to know you all very soon!x
Hi! my name is Will Driver, I am a musician and a sound engineer! I grew up in Barmouth, North Wales and i have played the bass guitar for about 6 or 7 years! I will soon be moving to Cardiff to study Sound Technology in the University of Glamorgan and will hopefully get to meet some of you lovely people in person as I will be trying to gain some experience in the live sound industry! I can also do some pritty funky stuff with a Gameboy!
Well hai, Im Emma Im from Bridgend south Wales. I am currently in my second year of the national diploma of performing arts at Bridgend college, I have been in a few productions including Arthur miller's crucible (Judge Hathorne) And in the christmas panto Cinderella (as a dancer in the audience.) I got into performing unexpectedly when my training leader asked if I wanted a place on the performing arts course, I agreed and had an interview last minute, it was the best feeling ever to have my audition complimented.

I feel I am quite a creative and artistic person at heart, all I've done in my life was some form of art, but mostly pencil to paper or in writen words, but now I can physicly show my art to more people and that just really makes me happy. I put everything into my art because if its half hearted its not art at all.

Anyway all I want from National theatre wales is the opportinities they allready provide and hopefully allow me to further my skills and chances in my chosen career path, as well as being able to be part of their fantastic productions.

I became involved with Nationa l theatre when I attended a workshop for love steals us from lonelieness in Hobos Saturday the 18th, with some of my clas mates. I found everyone quite friendly and I just want to become as involved as possable in the production and gaining some real experience with them. Then hopefully when more opportunities arise I shall of course get myself involved one way or another.
Hi Emma. Welcome and thanks for telling us more about yourself! Great to know you. Your blogs, videos and comic book pics are brilliant so please keep them coming. Brilliant to see such an active Community member. Hope you enjoy LSUFL too Cx
Hi Jordan! Thanks for telling us more about yourself! Great video, nice to see a mixture of singles, doubles and groups performing in the film. Please let us know next time you've got an event on too so that we can do our best to see it x
Hi Jenni! Thanks for telling us more about yourself and welcome to Cardiff! I moved back here (Cardiff that is) after living in London for an extended time and have definitely rediscovered my place here. Everytime I go back to London now I always feel happy to go back but LOVE IT when I walk out of Central Station on my return here. Keep us in the loop for how your time here goes and congrats on all the work you've done so far x
Hi, I'm Charlie. I've just joined following advice from an actor-friend I've just finished a theatre-run with as a good opportunity to network and find work in the future! I'm an actor finishing a performing arts degree in Newport, looking for work for after graduation and hoping to work as an actor in Cardiff for years to come!
Hi Charlie, great to hear more from you! Definitely pop into our shop, open all this week in Newport City centre. It's the Dark Philosophers Shop (old Dragons Den). But I feel like you've already popped in?! We have rehearsals for The Newpory Assembly happening this week and the event is on Saturday 13 November @ 5pm if you fancy getting involved? It's performance and debate about Newport for and by the people of Newport! x


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