A call for actors - Exciting new project!

A new project in Cardiff is looking for new actors to be part of this very exciting period! 
'Talent Taf'(to be confirmed) will be a brand new actors agency, ran by one that knows exactly how hard it is to get into the field and to find agents willing to give someone a try - therefore has decided to take matters into her own hand and create her own. With this decision, hard work and previous experience of working in an agent, the intention is to give actors the chance to show their talents.
It's very early days at the moment, and this is a call to see how much interest there would be in such a project. 
There are numerous other ideas linked to the agency, such as establishing a drama company that would produce shows using the agency's talents. We're hoping that there will be enough interest to establish the company, and start running the agent within the next few months. 
If you would be interested, or have any questions regarding this project, please contact me on talent.taf@aol.co.uk

Galw am Actorion - Prosiect newydd cyffrous!

Mae prosiect newydd yng Nghaerdydd yn chwilio am actorion newydd i fod yn rhan o'r cyfnod cyffrous hwn! 
Bydd 'Talent Taf' (i'w gadarnhau) yn asiantaeth actorion newydd sbon danlli, yn cael ei redeg gan un sydd yn deall i'r dim pa mor anodd yw'r maes a pha mor anodd yw dod o hyd i asiant sydd yn fodlon rhoi cyfle - felly wedi penderfynu cymryd y peth o ddifri a sefydlu ei asiantaeth ei hun. Gyda'r penderfyniad hwn, gwaith caled a chyda profiad blaenorol o weithio mewn asiantaeth,y bwriad yw i gynnig cyfle actorion arddangos eu talent. 
Dyddiau cynnar iawn yw hi ar hyn o bryd, a galwad yw hwn i weld faint o ddiddordeb fyddai am y math hwn o brosiect.
Mae nifer o syniadau ynghlwm a'r asiantaeth, megis sefydlu cwmni drama fyddai'n cynhyrchu sioeau i arddangos doniau'r asiantaeth. Y gobaith yw y bydd digon o ddiddordeb i sefydlu'r cwmni a dechrau rhedeg fel asiantaeth o fewn y misoedd nesaf. 
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb neu unrhyw gwestiynnau, a fyddech cystal a chysylltu a mi ar talent.taf@aol.co.uk

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