The more I take time to just simply listen. The more I realise that people are beautiful. And that's what I have been doing lately... Listening more.. To the conversations that intertwine couples, to the heated debate between friends.

This weeks Feel Good is from Dalai Lama XIV

'With realisation of ones own potential and self confidence in ones ability, one can build a better world' 

I think we never give ourselves enough credit. Simple as that. We all have potential to be great like I have said before in previous Feel Goods. We are complex human beings with the potential for greatness but we have to find that potential and allow it to develop into something organic and strong enough to give us the courage to succeed. 

We all have a capacity for Love and we all have different abilities and skill sets. If we believe enough in our abilities and have the self belief that we can do great things then together and only together can we build a better world that we all will enjoy living in and be accepted in. 

And ok it is easier said than done as many will say but surely if you truly look deep enough and believe then surely anything is possible? 

Again I don't mean that these abilities/talents of ours are of a global scale but like I always say .. Each and every one of us are unique and individual and we have amazing traits and individualities that make us US and seperate us from the six billion others occupying the planet. 

If that's not enough too make you realise your own potential then what is? 

You are one in a race of 6 billion, on a planet in a system of nine, in a galaxy of who knows.. The list goes on.. In a universe that is never ending. 

Bottom line.. Believe in your own potential and build a better world.

If you want a song to accompany this .. Micheal Jackson - Heal the world :)

 Heal the world, make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race 

Until next week. Much love :)

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