Join the re.volution in Wales: Mission, Models, Money launches here.

You are invited to join the re.volution!

Launch Events for Mission Models Money re.volution project are happening:

19th September Bangor University Bangor 10.00am until 3.30pm

20th September, Cardiff, Chapter Arts Centre 10.00am until 3.30pm

Book your free place at the Bangor event 

Book your free place at the Cardiff event here

Thanks to Arts Council Wales, Mission Models Money is launching its re.volution programme in Wales.

re.volution is a peer learning network designed for the leaders of all organisations working across the creative and cultural ecology, including the heritage sector.  Using the skills, knowledge and experience of its members, it offers practical solutions to the challenge of trying to do too much with too little, too often on our own.

We can all testify to human and financial cost of this over-extension and under-capitalisation and to the fact that it is increasing, driven by accelerating change and uncertainty in our operating environment. Our aim is that with your involvement in re.volution you will be able to access new relationships and new tools to help you tackle these and other systemic issues.

Centered around a regular programme of live learning events in Wales (and Scotland), which aim to help you renew your mission, reconfigure your business model and revise your approach to money, re.volution will:

  • offer you access to a wide range of approaches and tools which help tackle mission, model and money challenges via programme days and through our on-line resource bank;
  • build your problem solving skills, your capacity for new ideas and perspectives and your practical experience gained through peer-peer working; 
  • enhance your national and international professional network; and
  • help match you with other peers who might help you with specific organisational challenges.

re.volution has already run through two cohorts and you can find out more about what Scottish peers have been doing by visiting the re.volution blog here. To find out more about the programme visit our FAQ page here.

Further benefits of involvement are:

  • the opportunity to communicate and share learning with a diverse group of peers;
  • the opportunity to share challenges and issues with others, confidentially, and learn from each other;
  • through a collective and collaborative process, to re-interpret persistent (old and familiar) challenges to produce fresh ideas;
  • develop the generative leadership skills around decision making, relationship building and creative problem solving.

All in a safe supportive, yet challenging environment to explore new ideas and thinking

Book your place at the Bangor event here

Book your place at the Cardiff event here

“MMM continually prove their ability to be ahead of the game in identifying and promoting new ways of thinking and new ways of doing, which can help us evolve in response to the challenging and increasingly uncertain operating environment. Their commitment to improving the conditions which support our creative practice and their belief in self-help and mutual problem solving is recognised and appreciated across the sector.” Faith Liddell, Director, Festivals Edinburgh

“Through the re.volution programme I have been exposed to ‘revolutionary’ approaches to business and financial models, systems, governance and value, which will have a far reaching effect on the way the arts sector functions. I feel equipped and ready to work more closely with the sector during these difficult changes and feel privileged to be part of it. It feels like we are on the edge of something really life changing.” Donna Holford Lovell, Founder Fleet Collective

“The great thing about MMM is that its cross artform/discipline/geography - something v rare in other systems.” Susan Jones, Director a-n artists network

“MMM is almost alone among cultural groups in the UK in articulating the nature of the challenges that face us, and as such it is extraordinarily valuable to its members in providing them with the means to influence their organisations to be more resilient, adaptable, sustainable and successful.” Peter Stott, Director, Falkirk Museum

“This report (Capital Matters) has true credibility and has been written by people who value arts, artists and arts organisations. Its just a relief to know that there are people out there who get it!” Rhonda Wilson, Director Rhubarb, Rhubarb

We look forward to welcoming you to the re.volution!

Clare Cooper or 07914375226

"Nid rhywle yr awn iddo yw’r dyfodol, ond rhywle yr ydym yn ei greu. 

Llunio yn hytrach na chanfod y llwybrau yr ydym, ac mae’r broses o’u llunio 

yn newid y llunwyr a phen draw’r daith." 

John Scharr, Futurist

Gwahoddiad i ymuno â

Digwyddiadau lansio 

19 Medi Bangor Prifysgol Bangor 10.00am tan 3.30pm

20 Medi, Caerdydd, Canolfan Celfyddydau Chapter  10.00am tan 3.30pm

Diolch i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, mae

Mission Models Money ar fin lansio’r rhaglen re.volution yng Nghymru.

Rhwydwaith dysgu oddi wrth gymheiriaid (peer learning) yw re.volution.  Fe’i lluniwyd ar gyfer arweinwyr sefydliadau o bob math sy’n gweithio ar draws yr ecoleg creadigol a diwylliannol, yn cynnwys y sector treftadaeth.  Drwy harneisio sgiliau, gwybodaeth a phrofiad yr aelodau, mae’r rhwydwaith yn cynnig atebion ymarferol i’r her o geisio gwneud gormod gyda rhy ychydig, 

yn rhy aml ar ein pen ein hunain.  

Rydym oll yn medru tystio i gost dynol ac ariannol gor ymestyn a diffyg cyfalaf.  Gwyddom hefyd fod pethau’n gwaethygu dan ddylanwad y newidiadau a’r ansicrwydd cynyddol a wynebwn yn ein gwaith bob dydd.  Nod re.volution yw galluogi’r rhai sy’n cymryd rhan i sefydlu cysylltiadau ac arfau newydd a fydd yn eu helpu i ddelio â hyn, a sialensau systemig eraill.

Yn seiliedig ar raglen reolaidd o ddigwyddiadau byw yng Nghymru (a’r Alban), nod re.volution yw adnewyddu eich cenhadaeth, ailstrwythuro eich model busnes a newid eich agwedd at arian.  Bydd y rhaglen addysgu yn:

  • cynnig mynediad at ddulliau ac arfau amrywiol i ateb heriau cysylltiedig â gosod cenhadaeth, modelu ac ariannu (Mission, Models & Money) drwy gyfrwng digwyddiadau hyfforddi a banc adnoddau ar-lein;
  • mireinio eich sgiliau datrys problemau, eich parodrwydd i dderbyn syniadau newydd a’ch profiad ymarferol drwy weithio law yn llaw â chymheiriaid;
  • ehangu eich rhwydwaith proffesiynol, cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol; a’ch
  • rhoi mewn cysylltiad â chymheiriaid eraill a allai eich helpu gyda sialensau trefniadol penodol.

Mae re.volution eisoes wedi rhedeg y rhaglen gyda dau gohort a gallwch ganfod mwy am y pethau a wnaeth eich cymheiriaid yn Yr Alban drwy ymweld â blog re.volution yma.  I ganfod mwy am y rhaglen, ewch i’n tudalen Cwestiynau ac Atebion (FAQ) yma.

Ymhlith manteision eraill cymryd rhan yn y cynllun y mae:

  • cyfle i gyfathrebu, rhannu gwybodaeth a dysgu gyda grwpiau o gymheiriaid amrywiol;
  • cyfle i  rannu sialensau a phroblemau gydag eraill, gan barchu cyfrinachedd a dysgu’r naill oddi wrth y llall;
  • drwy broses o gydweithio a chydweithredu, ail ddehongli sialensau parhaus (hen a chyfarwydd) a chynhyrchu syniadau newydd;
  • datblygu’r sgiliau arwain perthnasol i wneud penderfyniadau, adeiladu perthynas a datrys problemau’n greadigol.

Fe ddigwydd hyn oll mewn amgylchedd cefnogol, ond heriol, lle byddir yn archwilio syniadau ac awgrymiadau newydd.

Archebwch eich lle yng nghyfarfod Bangor yma

Archebwch eich lle yng nghyfarfod Caerdydd yma

“Mae MMM wastad yn profi eu gallu i fod ar y blaen wrth adnabod a hyrwyddo ffyrdd newydd o feddwl ac o weithredu.  Mae hynny o gymorth inni ddatblygu ein hymateb i amgylchedd gwaith sy’n gynyddol heriol ac ansicr.  Cydnabyddir a gwerthfawrogir ar draws y sector eu hymrwymiad i wella ansawdd y gefnogaeth a dderbyniwn i’n gwaith creadigol a’u cred mewn hunan gymorth a chyd ddatrys problemau.”  Faith Liddell, Cyfarwyddwr Gwyliau Caeredin

“Bu’r rhaglen re.volution yn fodd imi ddod i adnabod dulliau “chwyldroadol” o ymwneud â modelau busnes ac ariannol, systemau, llywodraethiant a gwerth sy’n cael effaith bellgyrhaeddol ar weithrediad swyddogaethau’r sector celf.  Teimlaf imi gael fy arfogi a’m paratoi i weithio’n agosach â’r sector mewn cyfnod o newidiadau anodd ac ystyriaf hi’n fraint o fod wedi cael cyfle i gymryd rhan.  Mae’n teimlo fel pe tasem ar fin cyflawni rhywbeth a fydd yn gwirioneddol newid bywydau”.  Donna Holford Lovell, Sefydlydd Fleet Collective

“Yr hyn sydd mor wych am MMM yw ei fod yn croesi ffiniau ffurf, disgyblaeth a daearyddiaeth – rhywbeth prin iawn mewn systemau eraill”.  Susan Jones, Cyfarwyddwr rhwydwaith a-n artists

“Mae MMM bron yn unigryw ymhlith grwpiau diwylliannol y Deyrnas Unedig yn lleisio natur y sialensau a wynebwn.  O ganlyniad mae o gymorth gwerthfawr dros ben i’w aelodau drwy roi iddynt y gallu i ddylanwadu ar eu gwahanol sefydliadau, a bod yn fwy gwydn, hyblyg, cynaliadwy a llwyddiannus.”  Peter Stott, Cyfarwyddwr Amgueddfa Falkirk 

“Mae’r adroddiad hwn (Capital Matters) yn wirioneddol gredadwy.  Cafodd ei ysgrifennu gan bobl sy’n gwerthfawrogi celf, artistiaid a chyrff celfyddydol.  Braf sylweddoli fod pobl allan fan acw sy’n deall be di be!” Rhonda Wilson, Cyfarwyddwr Rhubarb, Rhubarb

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld yn ymuno â re.volution!

Clare Cooper neu 07914375226

re.volution launch events

19 & 20 September 2013 10am - 3.30pm

Bangor University & Chapter Arts Centre

Mission Models Money is launching its re.volution programme in Wales. re.volution is a peer learning network designed for the leaders of all organisations working across the creative and cultural ecology, including the heritage sector. Using the skills, knowledge and experience of its members, it offers practical solutions to the challenge of trying to do too much with too little, too often on our own.

Book your place at the Bangor event here

Book your place at the Cardiff event here

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