Firstly, an apology. I know you're not expecting this challenge until tomorrow but tomorrow is a busy day for me so I'm sorry I've had to issue it early. I'm hoping none of you will mind.

So, this week's challenge...

As I'm sure most of you know by now, NTW05 The Beach combines both theatre and gaming. With the challenges so far Bethan has challenged you to create story, Carl too looked at the creative writing side of things. Me, I'm going for pure game!

Creating original games has been something we have been doing for the past 6 months and I'm excited to say we have come up with some goodies for you all to play when you come to Prestatyn. Games have rules. I've come up with a few of my own and I am challenging you to use these rules to come up with your own original game. Feel free (as I know you'll have to) to add more rules of your own but the one rule for this game is that you have to abide by my rules!

Here they are;

1) The game has to be played on a beach
2) It must include 2 teams of six players
3) Every team member must participate
4) You have a maximum of ten minutes in which to play the game
5) Each team has a bucket, spade, beach ball and wind break
6) It must be fun!

For all you sceptics out there, I promise we have already created our games for the beach and this is not a cynical attempt to get you all to do my work for me. It's just for fun. ;) So happy game making and I look forward to reading your games.

Oh yes, I almost forgot the reward. The prize for the best game, in keeping with the spirit of NTW05, will be an inflatable beach ball! What more incentive do you need?

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Comment by Rhiannon Cousins on July 23, 2010 at 5:37
Well congratualtions Mick, A beach ball is coming your way (do you wnat to send me a message with your address?). Thank you so much for your idea. Ithink everyone should try it when they're on their hols this summer.
Comment by Rhiannon Cousins on July 17, 2010 at 0:16
As the weather's not too hot this weekend why not stay indoors and create a game that you could play on the beach next time it is hot? Don't forget there's a beach ball for the best game!
Comment by Rhiannon Cousins on July 13, 2010 at 0:58
Hi Mick, Thanks for this, it's great. I might even try it out while I'm here in Prestatyn.
Anyone else fancy challenging Mick, I wonder?...
Comment by Mick Greenway on July 12, 2010 at 8:07
Have I got nothing better to do? Clearly not.

Referee/scorer with stopwatch and whistle.
Each team must be able to differentiate its own bucket, spade and beachball from the other team’s.
An area of sand is chosen say 30 x 30 metres.
The team’s windbreaks are set up on either side of this area.
Each team hands its bucket, spade and inflated beachball to the other team.

Four members of each team lie down unsighted behind their own windbreak. No peeping.
The other two members of each team take the spade, the bucket and the beachball belonging to the other team.
They have up to the one minute whistle to bury the three objects separately anywhere within the area. The position of each object is marked with a large pebble.
As soon as they have done this, it is their turn to hide behind the windbreak. No helping.
The remaining four members of each team now up to the three minute whistle to find and dig up three of the six buried objects.
They are looking for their own objects.
As soon as they have dug up 3 objects or when the 3-minute whistle blows – whichever is sooner - they must retire behind their windbreaks with their spoils.
They score 5 points for each of their own objects they have found.
Two new “buriers” from each side take the objects (may be fewer than 3, may be their own) which their team has found while the other 4 lie down as before.
They again have up to 1 minute to do the burying as before. There is perhaps an opportunity for “clever” marking of some buried objects this time.
They then hide behind the windbreak while the other 4 seek up to 3 objects.
This time they are looking for their opponent’s objects.
They again have up to the 3-minute whistle before retiring behind their respective windbreaks with spoils.
They score 5 points for each of their opponent’s objects they have found.
Round 3 is like round 2.
We have the final pair of “buriers”.
This time the “seekers” are looking for their own objects again and, at the end, will score 5 points for each of their own objects they have found.
After three rounds, you should have a winning side but, if the scores are level, you need a tie breaker.
Without using their hands, each team must convey one of the objects they have found over to their opponent’s windbreak and then get it over the windbreak. First over wins.

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