Hello! If you're new to this social network site, please introduce yourself to our community.

Who are you? Why are you here? What do you do? How are you already involved in theatre - as a fan/participant/performer/artist? What do you want from National Theatre Wales? How do you want to become more involved with us and what we do?

PLEASE - Be honest and don't feel that you have to impress anyone.

As for me, I'm Catherine and I'm a Creative Associate with National Theatre Wales. I am Cardiff born and Cardiff bred... and very proud of it. I am a theatre director and have directed plays and lead projects with professional performers, new writers and young artists in lots of exciting places.

I want National Theatre Wales to put Welsh talent in Welsh productions on an international stage, speaking with and for Welsh artists and Welsh audiences. This social network will be the first place for this to happen as it is a space where National Theatre Wales can have an open dialogue with its core members - you, our community.

I hope you will use this social network to influence our work, to tell us how you want to get involved, what work we should be making, where you want us to go, where we are doing well and where we can do better.

Together we can build a community of people who talk to each other to make National Theatre Wales the best it can be - a truly National Theatre owned by the community it works with and for.

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Hi, I would like to introduce myself as Sheree Tams, a theatre designer, born in Caerphilly South Wales, I grew up in Wales and moved to Canada as a teenager. I studied theatre design at Motley in London. My family and ancestors are from the valleys, I come from a long line of coal miners, many lost their lives in the pits. My Dad went down the pits to work when he was 14 years old. Wales is my heritage but I feel I have an objective view on the culture because I was physically removed from it when we moved to Canada. I draw upon the collective memory Wales from the story telling within my family. I have an outside view but it remains a large part of who I am. I hope I can contribute in a meaningful way.
dear Sheree
I was attracted by yourAKA oberon wildbore,summons up all sorts of dark and hairy images.Your pride in your welshness and your feeling for home of the returning native is a good basis for an emotional connection with the people of wales who love theatre and respond with love when presented with good accessible theatre.

I worked for many years as a punch and judy man and general family entertainer around the west wales area with a largely holidaying valleys audience.I hope you can draw on the collective memory of your ancestors and produce some inspiring work

alldabest ted
Hi Catherine, John here. As I guess you know, I'm artistic director of National Theatre Wales. I've been in post since February and have been busy running round Wales meeting people, hiring a team (including you!), talking to lots of artists, writers, actors, companies, and getting the company set. I'll be trying to write a lot in my blog here about what I'm up to, and asking people for ideas about the company. I'm hoping that this community site will be a great way to get ideas and thoughts from people about what we could be doing.
I am Mathilde Lopez, Creative Associate at National Theatre Wales and I'll probably communicate via images, videos and at times sounds.
Hope to see/hear you and your thoughts very soon.
I'm Gary, I'm a writer, and I hope to get involved with the National Theatre of Wales by writing plays.
Hi I'm Tom. I'm working with the National Theatre Wales to help build this social network site and the community that comes together here. You can find out more about me at my website where I collect stuff from the web. I run NativeHQ with Carl Morris
Hi I am Guy I am set designer and Arts Officer for Bridgend Council. My job is to get people involved in creative stuff.
Hey Guy, thanks for joining. Are you coming to our 'housewarming party' on Thursday? John
Hello there. I'm Sarah Argent - I'm a freelance director of plays for both adults and children/young people. For a number of years, I have been spearheading Theatr Iolo's work for nursery children but since 2006 (thanks to a Creative Wales Award) I've been researching and creating work for younger and younger audiences - one of my latest pieces "Out of the Blue" is for an audience aged 6-18 months (although, prior to that, I directed Pinter's "The Dumb Waiter" at Chapter!) I also teach part-time at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and University of Glamorgan.

I'm Anglo-Italian by birth and Anglo-Scottish by upbringing (it's a long but fascinating story!) and have been living and working in Wales since 1997. I'm really excited by the developments afoot in theatre in Wales.
Hey Sarah. Never knew you were part Italian! Looking forward to seeing Iolo's latest show tomorrow. x
Hi John. Only just spotted your comment re being half-Italian. I didn't know either, back in the days when I knew you in England. My Italian birth father (I was adopted at only 8 days old) made contact entirely out of the blue 3 years ago ... so I suddenly had to adjust to a whole new cultural heritage - although discovering you're half-Italian isn't such a bad thing!!!
Bore/Prynhawn da... I'm Gareth and I am the Programmer at WMC. I am almost always tired, which is fine becuase I do like to sleep.


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