for those who know me they know that I have recently stopped teaching here is a short lesson on a aspect of art

I previously posted a link to a talk by David Byrne. who spoke about a connective link between the evolutionary development of different styles of music to Architectural space. in the talk he spoke about the acoustics of a venue making demands on the types of music that are to be played in it. so delicate music can be heard better in a small room. and huge amplification was designed to work in stadiums any way here is the link

I believe the point that David Byrne talks about can be used to describe not just music but also visual art.

I know painters who don't produce paintings bigger than the car boot they use to transport their work in. or sculptors, who can only afford a small studio. who in turn only produce small work. but the architectural demands on the production of art may define its physical character (this is a question for site specific production something I'm flirting with in this text)

but also the space in which the work is exhibited has an effect on how the work is seen. for the sake of argument I will look at three types of space in which you'll find Art. yes, art with a capital, there is a difference, trust me.
1 the Museum
from Musee du Louvre

the Museum is the easiest of the three to find Art in , There it is! hanging on the walls and sitting in the middle of the room with a rope around it. easy peasy you can even get a little hand set next to the gift shop which can tell you about all the Art just in-case you might miss it in a amongst all the other people trying to see it.

2. the Gallery
from the White cube gallery london

it starts getting tricky in the Gallery, sometimes its hard to even spot the Art. you might have to do some research at home or get yourself a good guide, like that bloke off the telly. good thing his book is in ground floor gift shop. no not the second floor one with all the frothy coffees the ground floor one next to the subversive international artist.

3. The Art Space
froml Kunsthaus Tacheles Berlin

Now the Art space. this is one of the Hardest places to find Art, but loads and loads of art at the same time its like the place is made of it. like it eats and shits it. there's no gift shop but you can usually get a beer but your going to have to really try hard to separate the Art from the space.

these images are just examples of the types of spaces found. within these spaces you can find a category of stuff with the title Art.

now imagine if these different places showed the same piece of Art. the work shown would seen completely differently in these different spaces. and seeing being the chief sensation of art it would to be reasonable to suggest that it would be a different piece of art.

these metaphysical thoughts have to be used practically when putting up a show. for Art is the rendering of the invisible, visible the concern that how a space effects how work is seen is a important factor in understanding art and is a common error for Artists. who inappropriately match to space.

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