NTW TEAM on the Streets for NTW18 - My Personal Experience

Last week myself and other members of the Cardiff NTW TEAM went out on the streets of central Cardiff to ask people: "What would make you protest?"

Some people walked past us and ignored us, others took a flyer and a badge but didn't want to stop and talk and some people really wanted to tell us what would make them protest and hear about the show and National Theatre Wales.

Whilst out and about there were a few things that became apparent to me. Firstly, there are so many charity collectors walking around Cardiff that to be honest I wonder how successful this method of raising funds has become.

Secondly and more importantly, that there are a lot of passionate people in Cardiff who want to talk about what they are passionate about. You can see from the pictures which we have taken (have a look at the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/278648105543184/) that there are so many issues which people are willing to openly stand up for.

However, what really interested me was when people were willing to talk to us about what would make them protest but when asked if they were happy to have their photo taken holding their answer written on our placard they declined. This perplexed me. I have been brought up to not be ashamed of what I believe in and to stand up for this, so why wasn't everyone willing to do the same?

On reflection I think that this could be down to the fact that as people we constantly self-censor ourselves and a lot of the people who declined stated motivations which were quite extreme and could be seen as an attack on people who they saw as different or who they saw as taking things, such as jobs, away from them. As people, I think, that we all harbor unfounded illogical prejudices but it is up to us as individuals to question our prejudices and realise that they are unfounded and illogical, and so it was really hard not to disagree with these people but to let them talk to me about viewpoints I personally really strongly disagree. However, I think that everyone is entitled to their own point of view but  still why wouldn't they stand up for their views?

After a lot of consideration, I feel that if people are not willing to publicly stand up for their views then maybe they don't actually truly believe in them and a part of them deep down inside knows that what they are saying is unfounded and illogical.

Here are some photos we took: 


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