House Without Doors - Graig Du Theatre Players

My one-act play explores the beliefs, through the fictional character of John Sparling, about modern Britain. The title refers to the British Isles without any control over migration. Sparling loses his job after hearing a salacious remark about his wife. Feeling justified in his anger, he fulminates against society as events move beyond his control. The subject matter of the play is controversial.

Dark lights. As the lights rise, the tall figure of John Sparling stands in the centre of the stage. He is in his late forties,smartly dressed in a grey suit,and appears confident as he blows his nose, holding up his hand as he sneezes, before addressing the audience. His hands shakes as he puts them into his trouser pockets.

Sparling:  My eyes have not stopped watering. I must have a cold coming on. I have been working since I was fourteen years of age and now I am out of a job. I have never claimed dole in my life and I do not know what I will do if I cannot find another vacancy welding.Things are bad enough as it is. My father said you should always stand up for yourself and I did. Why should I suddenly go against my principles? The youngest girl still will not speak to me after I played merry hell when I went to the junior school after I found out she was learning about the Koran. I told the headmistress she was a Christian and her mind should not be influenced by any other religion. It was impossible to reason with this harridan when she had her lines learnt off by heart. She probably did not know any Christmas carols. The smirk disappeared from her face when I said did she ever think a church could be built in Saudi Arabia.  You would be ill-tempered if you overheard someone you thought a mate making a snide remark about your wife. Emotions and ideas can be implanted in the mind and people are so bloody blind to this. When is an injustice perceived and acted upon? I have pondered this question for many hours and there is little to convince me of any truth in the matter. My mate Charley said I called him something. Well, that is neither here nor there. I probably did say something in the heat of the moment when we were fighting that I do not regret. His black eye is twice the size it was and that came from what he said about my wife, Janette. Have you not guessed yet? My disparaging sarcasm about his ethnicity saw me treated as if I had murdered some poor bugger. All of this is just spite on Charley’s part and he knows he has right on his side. The slur was intended and I do not have the proverbial leg to balance on. I wonder if someone will sue me for this defamatory remark. People are apathetic. I have cherished that particular word ever since I was in the last year of school and the teacher spelt the word wrongly on the blackboard. I told him, with sniggering from the class, that he had misspelt the word and I was punished by the headmistress for this misdemeanour. I thought she would have praised me for showing the ineptitude of the useless prat. Would they expect me to bow before a Japanese line manager if I worked at Toyota? You may well ask what the point of all this is.  I shall tell you. It is that a cesspit has appeared in this country and people don’t give a shit anymore. Common assent says you have to accept the quirks of society in their laws, or you are left in the lurch. People will not complain for fear of being ridiculed when it goes against everything that used to be believed less than a decade ago in Great Britain. We were subjects then, not citizens of bastard Brussels. We had imperial measurements, not that useless shit system the French invented. The British Isles has become a house without doors because we let in every Tom, Dick,and Harry. To be thought of as British is just not cricket. There are so many weak-kneed incompetents in power that even these losers are allowed to do and say what they want, with no questions asked. At least they don’t speak like the posh actors do.  Every biased report from the B.B.C is believed when the touching scenes of drowning people are streamed from the Med. No-one asks them to make the journey in the first place. They have themselves to blame for their sad predicament. I am as diverse as a quarter of Dolly Mixtures. Are there any poor travellers amongst the hoards that have swarmed into Europe? Where are their families? They all have mobile phones, for Christ’s sake! What sticks in my craw is the leftist bullshit that is spouted. Most of these helpers of the just cause have good homes and, if they want to welcome new friends to this country, why do they look for publicity when silence would be their best friends. Vanity knows no bounds with this cartload of monkeys. The mistigris I hold will change everything. . .



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