Petula tour / taith

How the hell do you grow up when the world around you is falling apart?

Pwdin Evans is on a mission. There’s so much in this world he can no longer deal with; his ridiculous parents, step-parents, the weight of his teenage worries, gravity, all of it. So, he launches himself into space, in search of answers and his missing cousin Petula.

National Theatre Wales, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru and August012 join forces to bring you Petula, a brand-new production of Fabrice Melquiot’s extraordinary play. Directed by Mathilde Lopez with a script by Daf James that mixes Welsh, English and a little French.

An unforgettable and surreal mix of dark comedy and adventure. A visual feast about relationships, language and love. Petula will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before!


Sut yn y byd wyt ti fod i dyfu fyny a phopeth o dy gwmpas di’n cwympo’n ddarnau?

Dyna’r cwestiwn mawr i Pwdin Evans, sydd wedi cael llond bol o’i rieni a’i lys rhieni gwallgo a phopeth arall sydd gan berson ifanc i boeni amdano yn y byd. Mae’n heglu hi ar antur epig i’r gofod i chwilio am atebion a’i gyfnither coll Petula.

National Theatre Wales, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru ac August012 sy’n uno i ddod ag addasiad newydd o’r cynhyrchiad anhygoel gan Fabrice Melquiot. Wedi ei chyfarwyddo gan Mathilde Lopez a sgript amlieithog gan Daf James, sy’n gyfuniad difyr o’r Gymraeg, Saesneg a rhywfaint o Ffrangeg.

Cyfuniad cofiadwy a swreal o gomedi tywyll ac antur. Gwledd weledol am berthynas, iaith a chariad. Bydd Petula’n wahanol i un rhywbeth rwyt ti wedi ei brofi o’r blaen!

Time: March 12, 2022 to April 8, 2022

Location: Wales

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Event Type: show