Luke Bevan

Profile Information:

What I do:
Theatre Director
A little more about me:
I am a keen theatre goer, maker and lover. My passion is directing and within this field is where I want to develop a career. I am particularly excited about theatre in Wales, I feel we are in a period where things are changing and improving for the better placing Welsh theatre more and more on the international stage.I am looking for opportunities to learn, work, experience and immerse myself totally in something that genuinely excites, provokes and terrifies me all at the same time.
Projects I’m working on:
Crouch,Touch,Pause,Engage (promotion team NTW)
Twitter @username:

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Fay Thomas

    Loving the blogs Luke! Coming along to see the show on Thursday evening, can't wait!


  • Laura Fay Thomas

    Hi Luke,

    Welcome to the TEAM group! Great to have you on board,

    Keep an eye out on the TEAM page this is where we post our most up to date news, events and opportunities. Would be great to have you involved.

    Let me know if you have any questions at all,



  • David Prince

    Nice to hear from you, Luke - keep in touch