This is my ending... 'The Meeting' Newport


'Oh I see... You're the type of people who say "nothing happens in Newport" aren't you? This is the ending you want...'

Our cynical, self depreciating, depressed stand up comic begins to tell bad jokes about Newport; "I went home to my wife, she said "I'm home sick" I said, "You are home" she said, "I know and I'm sick of it...""

Luckily that's when a group of Morris Dancers rudely interrupt our cynical raconteur and begin to high-jack the ending (with an audience members help).

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you haven't been to 'The Meeting'. We've had audiences of 20 people almost every night this week and their feedback has been that they laughed, they felt immersed, they felt inspired and involved in something, but interestingly they felt a certain amount of guilt. Not a really bad guilt, but the kind of guilt one might feel when their hamster dies and they regret not taking it out of the cage more. A kind of guilt that allows people to accept that perhaps they've been judging Newport by it's cover for too many years. The kind of guilt that makes you realise by saying "I'm not going out tonight, nothings happening" that you are probably the route-cause of that problem.

This week people have been invited to talk with us, watch with us, make with us and be taken on a journey by us (literally). These people know that more goes on in Newport than meets the eye. They know about the secret cinema club, they know about a submarine being built in John Frost Sq, they know about Post Port, Barnabas Arts House, U.R.B.A.N, Robins Lane, CineBakery, The Riverfront and all Newport's other cultural offerings. They know there is an array of amazing buildings, vibrant bars, a beautiful night life, an exciting arts scene, and numerous pockets of untapped culture and recreation... The problem is there's only about 70 of "THEM", and perhaps that's the problem... Not enough people know about these things. Are they poorly advertised? Or does no one care about whats happening? Do they assume it's not?

It looks like there are some really exciting opportunities arising in Newport. We just need a platform to scream it from.

Either way, for those who have been to see 'The Meeting', whether they loved it or hated it, whether it moved them or left them cold, whether it converted or solidified their hatred of Newport, it is here. It will be here for two more nights only.



John Frost Sq - U.R.B.A.N, Newport. Gwent.

Wednesday & Thursday ONLY.

Don't miss your chance to say exactly what you want.



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