
An official National Theatre Wales group

Writers who want to be part of National Theatre Wales, share ideas, get feedback from each other, and hear about opportunities

ONiiiT: The Power of Words

ONiiiT is back!

Back by popular demand, after a successful set of workshops, ONiiiT returns in conjuction with Somewhereto_, ProMoCymru and The Modern Alchemists, to bring you, not only 1, but 2 6 week interactive, informative, inspirational and creative writing courses at The Abacus in the heart of Cardiff.

All participants will get free entry to The Cardiff Christmas Bazaar and have the opportunity to perform and or read their work throughout the day, with opportunities to win: SophChei’s forethcoming EP and poetry anthology, branded Esoteric London goodies and other cool prizes.

The Abacus is a creative space bought to you by somewhereto_, PromoCymru and The Modern Alchemists.

Under 18s course
Weekly from the Tuesday the 23rd of September to the 28th of October 5 until 7pm, a group of 13 to 17 year olds will have the opportunity to find their writing voice, meet other budding young writers and develop their skills and confidence writing and performing.

Dates: September 23rd, 30th, October 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th

Over 18s course
Weekly from Wednesday the 24th of September to the 29th of October, 6 until 8pm, a group of over 18s will have the opportunity to learn writing techniques and styles, develop their confidence in performance and writing and meet other writers.

Dates: September 24th, October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th

These creative writing courses are being run by SophChei an experienced facilitator and performance poet. SophChei is generously donating her time for free to support a fundraising project for Y Care International ICS, a charity providing young people the experience, skills and opportunity to develop personally and professionally on sustainable development projects. Profits from these courses and Christmas Bazaar will be put towards the fundraising.

Age 13-17 – £40 for full course (6 sessions)
age 13-17 – £10 per 1 drop in class
*Discounts are offered on group bookings of 3 or more

Age 18+ – £50 for full course (6 sessions)
age 18+ – £12 per 1 drop in class
*Discounts are offered on group bookings of 2 or more

Book here.

If you would like some more information you can email Sophie at ONiiiTinfo@gmail.com
If you’re interested in selling at The Cardiff Christmas Bazaar email CardiffBazaar@gmail.com

Follow ONiiiT on twitter: @ON_iiiT